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12 Truths About 
1. We Worship God in Spirit and Truth
2. We Accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
3. We Understand that God runs the Church;
     not Politics, Cliques, or factions
4. We Strive to experience a genuine move of God 
5. We grow in Christ every single day
6. We Don't do Church Politics
7. We apply what we learn
8. We don't have big I's and little U's
9. You and your family would love RCC
10. We are imperfect people serving a Perfect God
11. We genuinely love one another
Our Belief
RCC subscribes to the tenants set forth in the Church
Covenant and Articles of Faith. Likewise, we affirm our
beliefs as follows:​
  • We are saved by grace through faith, not of works.
  • We believe the Holy Bible is the final authority for answers to this life.
  • We believe that the Holy Scriptures are inerrant and infallible.
  • We believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, that He and He alone is the only way to the Father (God).
  • We believe in a Triune God, which is to say; God is three persons who are yet one in essence and substance representing Himself as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe that marriage is biblically-based on the union of a man and woman.
  • We believe God has called men to the preaching ministry and to the office of Pastor as a way of communication to his people. 
  • We believe in worshipping the Lord in spirit and in truth; that there exists one Lord, one faith and one baptism.



To Save the Lost, Spend our days with the Lord and Worship in Spirit and in Truth.











God - Family  -Ministry -  Integrity -  Faith -  Education - Love

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Redeemed Christian Center Media Ministry
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